Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Niagara Peninsula Energy.
If you are experiencing a hydro outage or emergency, please call 905-356-2681 or toll free at 1-877-270-3938 to report it. Repair crews are available to respond at all hours.
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. (NPEI) has received reports of a new scam customers have been receiving through email with an alert stating Electricity Bill Alert. This scam asks the customer to fill in a survey and provide information about their electricity account. We have heard...
Electricity rates have returned to regular pricing as of February 8, 2022. Previously, the Ontario government had set electricity rates at the off-peak rate of 8.2 cents/kWh, 24 hours per day from January 18 - February 7, 2022. Households, farms and small businesses were...
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. (NPEI) has received reports of a scam presenting themselves as the Ontario Electricity Support Rebate. This scam had been circulating emails and Facebook posts and had a website set up under the same name that would ask customers to enter their...
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. understands the difficulties that businesses are facing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. As we continue to assist our customers, we would like to make all of our commercial customers aware of the new Ontario Business Costs Rebate program put into place...
The Ontario government is providing electricity-rate relief to support small businesses, workers and families spending more time at home while the province is in Modified Step Two. For 21 days starting at 12:01 am on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, electricity prices will be set 24...
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. values the safety of our customers and seeks to educate and inform our customers how to remain safe while dealing with electricity. NPEI will begin conducting our Electricity Safety Awareness Survey on Monday, January 10, 2022. This survey helps us...
NIAGARA FALLS, ON - The magic of the holiday season is upon us. As residents start to gear up for festive occasions, the City of Niagara Falls is again launching the Sparkle Awards program to enhance celebrations, enabling people to view spectacular lighting displays throughout...
Please be advised that Hydro One is currently in the middle of a major refurbishment project at their Stanley Transformer Station. This station was originally placed into service in 1958 and much of the equipment on site has reached end of life. The project involves the...
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) is continuing to remind customers to be vigilant of ongoing scams pretending to be from or endorsed by the OEB. The OEB has received more than 300 complaints in 2021 from consumers about rebate scams including email and online activities that...
The Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) released its second episode of Grounded in Ontario. In this episode, host Josie Erzetic sits down with Trevor Tremblay, Technical Advisor at ESA, to hear his advice for Licensed Electrical Contractors on the best practices for installing EV...