Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Niagara Peninsula Energy.
If you are experiencing a hydro outage or emergency, please call 905-356-2681 or toll free at 1-877-270-3938 to report it. Repair crews are available to respond at all hours.
Please be advised that the NPEI offices will be closed on Monday, May 20 for the Victoria Day long weekend. The offices will reopen on Tuesday, May 21 at 8:30a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Pleased be advised that the NPEI office will be closed on Monday, May 20, 2024 for Victoria Day. We will reopen on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. (NPEI) has received reports of a scam circulating to our customers. This scam involves customers receiving a call from a 1-877-467-1496 late in the day, stating they have fallen into collections with the Electric Company and advising that they are...
Now, more Ontarians qualify for the Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP). The Government of Ontario has changed the eligibility for the program as of March 1, 2024. Customers who were previously ineligible for the program may now be eligible based on the new thresholds. If...
Please be advised that we will be conducting maintenance on our Connection Agreement Form on February 27, 2024 at 1:00p.m. This maintenance is expected to take approximately 30 minutes. The Connection Agreement Form will be unavailable during this time. Thank you for your...
NPEI will be conducting maintenance on our MyAccount Customer Portal this weekend. Due to this maintenance, customers will be unable to view their eBills on MyAccount from 4:30pm on Friday, February 2 until approximately 11:00am on Monday, February 5. We apologize for any...
This week of January 22 to January 28 is Data Privacy Week! Data Privacy Week is an international effort held annually to create awareness about the importance of respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust. It is a week to promote privacy and data protection best...
Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. (NPEI) has received reports of a scam circulating to our customers. This scam involves customers receiving a call from a company, stating they are affiliated with NPEI, and requesting to do in person visits to their homes to review savings...
As the holiday season approaches, Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. (NPEI) is providing its customers with an easy and impactful way to give back to their local community. From October 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024, NPEI invites its customers who are currently receiving paper bills to...