Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Niagara Peninsula Energy.
If you are experiencing a hydro outage or emergency, please call 905-356-2681 or toll free at 1-877-270-3938 to report it. Repair crews are available to respond at all hours.
Air it out – Install a clothesline or drying rack in your backyard and get that fresh spring breeze to dry your laundry. Hardware stores have a great selection that are easy to install. No outdoor space? Try an indoor drying rack.
Make your windows work – Insulated drapes come with thermal fabric and are available in many fashionable colours and patterns. Using them keeps the sun out and keeps your house cool.
Let the sun shine in – Clean your windows to help fill up your home with more sunlight.
Filter out winter – Spring is the ideal time to change or clean your furnace and air conditioning filters, which have been collecting dust all winter. Cleaning filters will help them run more efficiently.
Clean your ducts – If you haven’t done it for a few years, getting your ducts cleaned can improve air quality and help your heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems operate more efficiently.
Time to change the air conditioner – Don’t wait until the hottest day of the summer. Stay cool with a new air conditioner with a high efficiency rating.
Keep the refrigerator cool – if your fridge is coughing and wheezing, it’s probably wasting energy and on its last legs. Getting a new ENERGY STAR®-rated fridge or freezer may save you up to $125 a year in electricity costs.
Fan out – Air conditioners will kick in and out when thermostat settings give them the signal that the temperature is too high or low. Fans are designed to circulate air to maintain room temperature at a consistent level at the hottest times of the day. You’ll save energy, money and wear and tear on your air conditioner by using a fan more often.