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Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. (NPEI) is proud to announce that we have won the 2022 Ontario Electrical Safety Award from the Ontario Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) in the category of Consumer and Home Safety for our Kids' Safety Poster Contest campaign.
The annual contest, which runs each spring, invites students throughout the NPEI service territory to design and submit a poster to help NPEI educate the public about electrical safety. The contest encourages students to be creative and communicate a positive safety message.
"Our Kids' Safety Poster Contest was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to reach students and remind them in a clever and fun way to stay safe around electricity," says President and CEO Brian Wilkie. "NPEI felt that this was an appropriate time to hold the contest, because students were home from schools and everyone was spending a lot of time around the house and playing outdoors."
NPEI was selected by the ESA to receive this year's award for significantly contributing to advancing public electrical safety in the community. "Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. is to be celebrated for creating alternative ways to extend the reach of electrical safety messages during a very challenging time with limited access to target audiences."
NPEI would like to say thank you to all of the students who participated in this contest and helped make it so successful!
Ontario's Electrical Safety Authority is responsible for administering specific regulations related to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code, the licensing of electrical contractors and master electricians, electricity distribution system safety, and electrical product safety.
In 2010, ESA created the Ontario Electrical Safety Awards to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of others in the safety system to improve electrical safety in the province. The awards recognize exceptional contributions to safety in the areas that present the greatest harm to Ontarians: Powerline Safety, Worker Safety and Consumer and Home Safety.