Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. (NPEI) has received reports of a scam where an individual has been visiting customers door-to-door and claiming that they must provide payment to avoid disconnection. Please be aware that this is a scam and this individual is NOT affiliated with NPEI. NPEI does not solicit door-to-door for any reason. Please contact our office if you suspect you have been contacted as part of a scam.
Below is some helpful information for customers to remember if they are contacted by somebody claiming to be from their local utility.
Added Tips on How to Avoid a Scam:
Scams are constantly evolving, but learning how to spot the following red flags will help protect customers against fraudsters:
- We don't threaten immediate disconnection for non-payment. Our collections process includes issuing an Important Notice (that provides possible disconnection information) followed by a 48 Hr Notice telephone message.
- We never proactively ask for payment by pre-paid card and we don't accept bitcoin.
- Inaccurate account numbers are a red flag for fraud. Always compare suspicious invoices with a previous bill and note the account number and the previous amount.
- Don't click on any links included in suspicious emails or text messages, as fraudsters may be attempting to access your personal information.
- We do not use text messages to communicate with customers about account issues.
- We never solicit door to door for any reason.
Ways to block scammers:
- Don't provide any personal or account information if contacted at the door or by phone, email or text.
- Don't make any type of payment until you can confirm you're dealing with NPEI.
- Don't click on any links advertising a refund or a rebate in text messages or emails as this is a tactic fraudsters use to access personal information.
- If you're unsure, hang up and call NPEI to see if they've recently contacted you.
Reporting Suspicious Behaviour
- Customers who suspect any type of fraud should be encouraged to contact us.
- Customers should also report suspicious activity to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501. In the event that the customer has paid or sent money for payment, they should contact the Police Department.